Monday, October 25, 2010


  1. given the topic of discussion in that article from The Atlantic, I'm actually surprised I read the whole thing. I do for the most part agree with it, and being a person that's used the internet for quite a while, there's a set of subconscious rules I've given myself so I don't slip into the obscurity.

    I think with a lot of it, I find myself using the internet less. regardless of google it's filled with more and more simplicity. Instead of pictures being worth 1,000 words, the words are slapped onto the imagine because the majority out there wouldn't be able to understand the joke.

    I'm sure there's a lot more I could add to that person's article.

  2. Hehe yeah, it's the simplicity of it that changes the way we think i guess, not so much making us 'stupid' like the heading suggests -- a ploy to get readers! but changing the way we think and changing what 'smart' is. so mr. computer savvy, you are saved by darwinian standards! a true flower. don't want to know how long it took me to figure out how to reply to this comment :p

    and i've replied to a comment before! but i forgotted.

  3. saved possibly, but I would at the least love to an upstanding go-getter in a counter culture battle against these internets.

    I will use my power of being a celebrity and how reading nights at local libraries (turn your cellphones off) mwahaha :D
